Wednesday, June 25, 2008

IsN't It FuNnY!

Ya know lately I have noticed some funny things in life....

Isn't it funny how when we get hurt we are always saying
oh I can't wait to get active again, but when we finally
are well enough to move we don't have that desire to ... move.

Isn't it funny when you see that oh so sweet piece of cake
sitting right there for you to devour like a ferocious lion,
you feel like a worthless pig after eating it and realizing
oh there goes all my points from weight watchers... (I'll just start
over next week.)

Isn't it funny how when going into movies or even meeting people
and you think this is going to be the worst movie or they
are just a horrible person, they or it turns out the be one of
the best shows you've ever seen or they become your best friend.

Isn't it funny that when you think you've made the worst
mistake possible, you still have more to make.

Isn't it funny that when in your weakest or lowest moments,
you find some of your greatest strengths.

Isn't it funny that when on your knees you stand a little taller.

Isn't it funny how life is like shaving, no matter how good
you do it today you still have to do it again tomorrow.

Isn't it funny when you finally get that dream car, house,
favorite movie, game, or moment of glory you are always craving

Isn't it funny how you can look at someone thinking they
are this type of person and they totally shock you by being
the exact opposite.

Isn't it funny how a broken bone might make you cry for
a few minutes but a dang blister on your foot or hand can
make you whine for days!

Isn't it funny how little children can say they hate you one
minute but love you the next... (remind you little children,
that never happens with adults!)

Isn't it funny how it takes us in our moments of despair
to finally realize we can't do it on our own and we
reach up and finally ask him for help.

And isn't it funny how most of these moments we are all grateful for. Because in one way or another these moments can teach us something. It is through these moments we become who we are. So LIVE! Live through these "isn't it funny" moments; laugh, cry, and smile do whatever you want to do... but live so that those who do not know Christ will want to know Christ because they know you:)


Barlow Family said...

Wow isn't life funny. Great to see you are still alive and doing well, except for that leg thing.
I got you blog off you little sisters site and thought I would drop you a line.

Come check us out

Talk to you later.


The Barton's said...

What the Heck Halee! How are you? I found you off measha's and I found hers in a round about way! So what ya doin these days? Boyfriend?